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Stranger than Fiction: School on MLK Day?
posted by: Cindy Omlin | January 14, 2011, 04:24 PM   
Due to a winter storm earlier in the week, district officials cancelled the pre-scheduled holiday to prevent further school days into the summer or perhaps even cutting into spring break.

NAACP members called the decision disrespectful, citing the day's recognition by the federal government. The group called for local clergy and churches to advise parents to keep their children home and boycott the school day.

In an email sent to school district officials, one parent remarked, "This special day may not be important to some, but to the majority it's very symbolic. If you choose to keep Dr. M. L. King Day as the makeup, I, along with many others, will NOT be sending my child to school."

Despite pressure from parents, local community leaders, and the NAACP, the district has yet to reverse its policy. The district did propose an alternative, however. LaTarzja Henry, the school district's spokeswoman, said the system would excuse absences Monday for students who presented proof they attended a King holiday event or activity.

While it is completely normal for school systems to have to make up for lost productivity from snow days, many argue that federal holidays should be off-limits.

What do you think about the situation? Is the district being disrespectful to the memory of Dr. King?
Comment below.

Originally posted by Alix at AAE.

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