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Tag: Education Reform Total: 54 results found.

We didn't hear much about improving education throughout the presidential race, which made last week's lavish attention on education reform especially fascinating. The President argued, "To grow our middle class, our citizens must have access to the education and training that today's jobs require." We couldn't agree more. 

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With the release of the highly-anticipated movie Won't Back Down  just around the corner, many parents viewing the movie will undoubtedly leave the theater inspired to take up the same fight as the dedicated mothers in the film. Fortunately there is a new tool for parents and other education stakeholders to inform them about their own child's education from the Center for Education Reform (CER). Released this week, the new Parent Power Index ranks the states based on how much power parents have over their children's education.   Continue Reading...

We know that effective teachers make a fundamental difference in the lives of our nation's students. Yet for decades, little attention has been paid to how teachers are prepared to succeed in the classroom. While education reform often highlights the need for policy changes inside the classroom, it's time to focus on building better teachers from the very beginning.   Continue Reading...

Louisiana Enacts Sweeping Education Reforms
posted by: Cindy Omlin | April 17, 2012, 11:53 PM

Governor Bobby Jindal has taken center stage in the education world this spring via a new education overhaul plan aimed at expanding choice, removing barriers to entry for charter schools, and reforming tenure in the state of Louisiana. In a plan being hailed as the "new standard" for education reform, Governor Jindal is expected sign both reform bills into law later this week.   Continue Reading...

Over the years, AAE membership surveys have covered a wide range of education policy issues and have often been critical in dispelling union-led perceptions that teachers are unsupportive of commonsense reforms. According to a new survey released by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Scholastic Education, the trend is in fact growing and teachers are embracing key education reforms like never before.   Continue Reading...

Chicago Education Reform Taking Center Stage
posted by: Cindy Omlin | February 27, 2012, 08:39 PM
Chicago has been an education reform epicenter ever since newly elected Mayor Rahm Emanuel took the reins in January 2011. Everything from length of school day to teacher pay have been hot topics of late; however, last week the issue hit critical mass as teacher union leaders called on educators throughout the city to ditch their classes in favor of blocking Mayer Emanuel's reforms.   Continue Reading...
On the heels of the successful education documentary, The Cartel, filmmaker Bob Bowdon once again breaks ground with his new education reform news service, Choice Media. Launched yesterday, Choice Media is a non-profit news website aimed at covering all facets of American education reform.   Continue Reading...
Former Chancellor of New York City public schools Joel Klein as featured in the Washington Post this weekend:   Continue Reading...
Yesterday, lawmakers in the Idaho Senate passed landmark legislation that would phase out tenure, restrict union power, and limit contracts to one year among other components. The legislation passed on a 20-15 vote and is among three bills in the legislature that are set to carry out Superintendent Tom Luna's "Students Come First" education plan.   Continue Reading...
Michelle Rhee to Start National Reform Movement
posted by: Cindy Omlin | December 08, 2010, 12:34 AM
Since Michelle Rhee's recent resignation as Chancellor of Washington, D.C. public schools, a lot of coverage has been devoted to where she will go next. If you caught the Oprah Show yesterday Michelle Rhee has ended the speculation and rumors with a special announcement and accompanying essay in Newsweek. Rhee has decided not to take any one job with a state or individual school system, rather start a national group called Students First.   Continue Reading...
All-Star Education Reform Lineup Speaks at Harvard
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 23, 2010, 05:06 PM
Last week some of the best-known names in education reform converged for a round-table discussion at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. The moderator, former Secretary of Education under President George W. Bush, Margaret Spellings told the crowd, "It's like we have Mick Jagger, Bruce Springsteen, and Tina Turner together on the same stage," referring to the panel. Former Washington, D.C., chancellor of schools Michelle Rhee, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, and former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta called for teacher accountability and school reform in their discussion entitled, "Strange Bedfellows: The Politics of Education and the Future of Reform".   Continue Reading...
Does Teacher Education Need Reform?
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 18, 2010, 05:25 PM

Recently experts have focused their attention on not only the need to reform the classroom, but the need for reform in educating our future teachers. Many colleges of education have done little to keep up with emerging technologies and teaching techniques. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan once said, "Our university-based teacher preparation programs need revolutionary change, not evolutionary tinkering." To that end, an emphasis on intense in-classroom training has been the focus of change for a new pilot program being introduced in eight states. Yesterday, a report issued by an expert panel at the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education was released as means to recommend strategies in improving teacher education. Among the many recommendations, they advise creating formal mentorship programs for student teachers akin to those at medical schools. The focus would be less on in-classroom lessons and more on training in the field, much like a medical residency.   Continue Reading...

Evaluating KIPP School Reform Efforts
posted by: Alix | June 30, 2010, 01:50 PM

This month the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) released results of an ongoing study of 22 of its 82 schools done by Mathmatica Policy Research, Inc. The study examines student characteristics and achievement in the 22 schools as was designed to estimate KIPP’s effect on students.  Continue Reading...

Professor emeritus and founding director of the Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character at Boston University, Dr. Kevin Ryan published an editorial calling on the country to muster the courage to challenge the "eight hundred pound gorilla" preventing real reform in schools—the teacher unions:  Continue Reading...

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