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Tag: Teacher Resources Total: 116 results found.
Inspiration for the New Year: Picks from our PD Calendar
posted by: Ruthie | December 18, 2013, 04:35 PM

Our Professional Development Calendar is filled with the best opportunities to help you improve your practice. This month, we’re looking at opportunities that inspire.

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Using Podcasts in the Classroom
posted by: Ruthie | December 11, 2013, 09:24 PM

I have to admit, I’m a spoken-word type of person. I like attending lectures and prefer an audio book to music. In fact, I haven’t bought any new music for my iPod for years, even though I’m constantly trolling for something new and interesting to listen to. This is why podcasts quickly took over my listening.

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The Best Blogs for Improving Your Practice
posted by: Melissa | December 04, 2013, 06:31 PM

Teachers have been a part of the blogging scene since the very beginning.  Blogging has always been an easy way for professionals in an often isolating and misunderstood practice to share the thoughts, feelings, and challenges of their everyday life.  Today, teacher blogs have proliferated across the internet and have even become a subset of blogging in their own right.

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Reading List: Best Books for Common Core
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 18, 2013, 03:03 PM

Looking for help implementing the Common Core?  Look no further!  We’ve taken the time to list some of the best books about Common Core implementation out there.  Read about them below:

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Teaching Math to Young Students: What the Research Says
posted by: Ruthie | November 15, 2013, 06:33 PM

The What Works Clearinghouse has released a new report on the math practices that we, as educators, should use when instructing young children.  For those who do not know, The What Works Clearinghouse is a part of the Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences.  Its goal is to read through the mounds of educational research that are published each year and identify those practices that are research based. So when it prints a report that says this is what we know about teaching children math, teachers, administrators and other curriculum writers should sit up and pay attention.

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Top Veteran’s Day Resources
posted by: Ruthie | November 01, 2013, 06:32 PM

It’s hard to believe Halloween has come and gone and Veteran’s Day is just a week from Monday. As you get ready for this sacred, American holiday check out these resources below:

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Top 10 Ways to Celebrate Halloween in Your Classroom
posted by: Ruthie | October 31, 2013, 03:03 PM

Halloween is upon us! If you’re scrambling for creative ways to celebrate Halloween in your classroom, it’s not too late! Check out these simple, yet fun, activities to incorporate into your lessons this afternoon.

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Google+ as a Teacher Tool
posted by: Melissa | October 11, 2013, 06:51 PM

As noted earlier, October is Connected Educator Month – a month focusing on helping educators connect and form PLNs (personal learning networks) through the internet.  Much has been written about using popular sites like Twitter and Pinterest as ways for teachers to connect, but often lost in the mix has been Google+.  I find this a tragedy, because Google+ is quickly becoming my favorite way to connect with other educators from across the country.

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A study was released yesterday that’s making big news: US adults score below other developed countries in math, literacy, and problem solving abilities.  Perhaps it’s because the technology we’ve been embracing is distracting us, or because we’re teaching study skills that don’t work, or maybe just because we don’t value our teachers as much.  Maybe if we start taking more field trips to art museums, we might see our skills rise.  All of these topics, and many more, have been addressed in research studies released in the past few months.  Read on to learn more about these studies:

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Are You a Connected Educator?
posted by: Ruthie | September 27, 2013, 04:27 PM
Feelings of isolation have long been among the most common complaints of being a teacher. Recently it's become more and more clear that when educators collaborate, the art of teaching is raised and students reap the rewards.   Continue Reading...
September Resources: Youtube for the Classroom
posted by: Ruthie | September 25, 2013, 06:02 PM


Whether you’re looking into flipping your classroom or you just want to spice up a lesson, short, content-rich video is the way to go.  If you’re looking for the perfect clip to get your students excited about your subject, check out this list of our favorite Youtube channels:   Continue Reading...
Professional Development and Online Courses
posted by: Ruthie | September 11, 2013, 05:57 PM
With the announcement of Google and EdX joining forces to provide online courses, opportunities to take courses online, either for free or pay, continues to expand. For teachers, this provides an easy way to keep on top of their craft through professional development. While not every site offering online courses have courses that teachers can use for professional development, many do.   Continue Reading...

With tight budgets and changing requirements, teachers are always excited to hear about ways to save money on professional development and certifications. Recently, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) announced a $600 decrease in the price of certification. The change is designed to save teachers money and make certification easier to obtain.

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In the midst of going through your materials, setting up your bulletin boards, and writing new lessons, check out these websites which can help you add a little flash to the new school year.

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Back to School Deals: Top Teacher Discounts
posted by: Ruthie | August 05, 2013, 04:08 PM
Below is a list of 20 fantastic discounts to make back-to-school shopping a little easier on your wallet. From software to clothing, this list contains a wide variety of incredible savings opportunities. Start your year off right with everything you need for your classroom! Do you need additional funds? Check out NWPE's fall Scholarship and Grant opportunities.   Continue Reading...
Common Core and Not So Common Resources
posted by: Cindy Omlin | July 20, 2013, 03:12 PM

As the new school year creeps closer, so does the timeline for implementation of the Common Core-aligned state assessments.  In fact, in New York state, they’ve already been implemented.

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In the hustle and bustle of the everyday classroom, it's easy to forget that every month new research is being published about education. This research often seems removed from how we behave in the classroom, but it doesn't need to be. Often this research can have a very real impact in our classrooms and during the school day. With that being said, we've compiled some of the latest studies and polls that all classroom teachers should be talking about:   Continue Reading...
Your Summer Curriculum Revamp
posted by: Cindy Omlin | June 05, 2013, 08:38 PM
Summer is quickly approaching and for some teachers it's already here. While many will be spending some well-deserved time at the beach, summer also provides us with a chance to reflect on the year past and prepare for the year to come.    Continue Reading...

Yesterday, Edweek published  an insightful article citing new trends in low-cost professional development courses. As professional development opportunities continue to expand via online platforms, "MOOC's" (massively open online courses) are now being offered to K-12 educators. Silicon Valley company Coursera recently partnered with seven universities to provide 28 free courses, with topics ranging from biology and literacy to lessons on how to structure classes and survive the first year of teaching.

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May’s Teacher Resource Picks!
posted by: Cindy Omlin | May 17, 2013, 09:33 PM

Every month, AAE takes some time to put together the best teacher resources we’ve come across.  This month we’ve got online tools to help with grading and seating charts, timelines, backchannels, Shakespeare and more!

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