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NWPE Member Jennifer McPherson Awarded Grant
posted by: Cindy Omlin | March 09, 2016, 08:06 PM   

Congratulations to Ms. Jennifer McPherson, an NWPE member and National Board Certified teacher in the Kent, WA, school district.  Ms. McPherson has been awarded a $250 New Classroom Start Up Grant to purchase enrichment activities and teaching centers for both math and reading, teacher supplemental materials, student writing supplies, and classroom storage materials.  Her immediate objective is to provide literacy and math-based enrichment activities for her kindergarten students.

jennifer mcpherson 2016Ms. McPherson is a woman of conviction.  She is a religious objector to the WEA, mostly because she feels that the causes to which WEA sends union dues conflict with her religious teachings as she understands and follows them.  “Because of this status, I lose the benefit of legal counsel and liability insurance.  NWPE provides both of these, as well as several other benefits.  I certainly have felt the benefit as a teacher, as I have been at ease knowing that I sought out my choices and pursued them with NWPE.”

Ms. McPherson is inspired and motivated first by the lives of her students.  “What an honor to be their kindergarten teacher!  I take the responsibility of being their first teacher seriously and know what it is to communicate well with families and other teachers in their lives.”  She also loves working alongside other teachers for it renders her the opportunity to see creative, intelligent, thoughtful teaching each day.  “It is this camaraderie and collegial sharing that motivates me to not only come to school each day, but to do better for my students and my school.”

Ms. Pherson believes that greater transparency, which will hopefully lead to more accountability, is the best way to advance professionalism.  “To accomplish this, I think it would be great to have our local press on campus more often.  I'd love it if tax payers could see how many minutes per day teachers spend wiping tables or filling out paperwork, for instance, instead of doing what they are trained for which is good teaching.”

NWPE is proud that a teacher of Ms. McPherson’s convictions has chosen NWPE as her association of choice.  We applaud her dedication to excellence in teaching as well as greater transparency and accountability in education.
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