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12 Inconvenient Truths That Smart People Easily Forget
posted by: Cindy Omlin | April 07, 2016, 05:39 PM   

Lolly Daskal, president and CEO of Lead From Within, writes a poignant article on “12 Inconvenient Truths That Smart People Easily Forget” published in INC. See the full article for her explanation of each reminder.  How can you use this with your students?

1. Never confuse education with intelligence.

2. Pain can be positive.

3. You're the boss of your life.

4. Failure is a stepping stone for success.

5. Low expectations are good protection.

6. Problems can start from within.

7. High standards are worth keeping.

8. Potential counts for nothing until it's realized.

9. Negativity poisons the soul.

10. Success is not the key to happiness.

11. If you wait until you are ready, you will be waiting for the rest of your life.

12. You owe something to the world, not the other way around.

Ms. Daskal finishes her article with, “Instead of asking ourselves what we can acquire from the world, we should be asking what we can give. When you do, it changes your perspective. It changes everything.    Be smart, but remember: Smart is good...but knowing the truth is best.”

Do Ms. Daskal’s reminders only apply to “smart people?”  What would you add to her list?

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