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iNACOL Introduces Statement of Principles for Effective Online Learning
posted by: Cindy Omlin | July 31, 2012, 05:26 PM   

Last week, the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) released a new statement of policy principles aimed at creating effective online learning laws in states across the country. iNACOL's Principles for Model Legislation in States will give interested parties guidance in establishing policy that puts student achievement front and center via online learning.

iNACOL is a Washington, D.C. based, non-profit organization of education stakeholders, which includes AAE, that is focused on student-centered education reforms. The organization makes policy recommendations based on what works for students in the online environment. Fundamentally, iNACOL believes students should have access to the continuum of high-quality learning opportunities through online and blended learning to allow for multiple pathways for students.

The five principles outlined by iNACOL focus on fostering accountability, creating high-quality programs, and promoting access to effective teachers. The recommendations include:
  1. Shift to a competency-based education from seat time. According to iNACOL, competency education, where students advance based on their pace, is required for systemic transformation to student-centered learning. Seat-time regulations serve as a barrier for online and blended learning programs that seek to enable anytime, anyplace, any pace learning. Flexibility is critical in creating a system that works for all students.
  2. Increase access for each student and permit the entire continuum of student-centered, online and blended learning. In order to facilitate effective policy, iNACOL supports allowing all students to have access to multiple online programs and curriculum.
  3. Design outcomes-based accountability and funding incentives. Focus on outcomes based on student learning, increasing proficiency, student growth, closing the achievement gap, graduation, and college and career readiness. Enable funding to follow the student to the program and course level.
  4. Increase access to excellent teachers. iNACOL supports reciprocity for online teaching and professional development for new learning models using anytime, anywhere online and blended learning.
  5. Provide room for innovation. While requiring accountability for outcomes, iNACOL believes policy should also ensure opportunity for emerging technologies and new approaches.

Click here to view the complete explanation of principles.

Do you support online learning? Do you think these principles present effective guidelines?
Comment below.

Originally posted by Alix at AAE.

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