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NWPE Member Clashes with Administration
posted by: Ruthie | December 20, 2013, 05:53 PM   

The Oregonian reports that NWPE member Bill Diss, a pro-life teacher in Portland School District, Portland, OR, has been fired. Diss clashed with district administrators when they required him to facilitate presentations by Planned Parenthood.

 Diss has received legal support from NWPE, the Life Legal Defense Foundation, and his teachers union.  An article by Lifesitenews reports, “Kathi Koenig, the teachers’ union representative who helped LLDF represent Diss, said he should not have been disciplined or fired, but put on a plan of assistance.  But a lawyer for the district insisted his firing was justified, saying his behavior was ‘damaging to kids and effective working relationships." 

Diss’ attorney noted that an appeal is under consideration


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