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Mikki Nuckols, NWPE Board Member, Serves
posted by: Cindy Omlin | March 18, 2014, 06:09 PM   

Thank you to NWPE Board Member Mikki Nuckols, 2007 Idaho Milken Educator and teacher at Rocky Mountain Middle School in Idaho Falls.  Mikki served as a member of the Idaho Teacher Licensure Task Force this yea. The committee will continue to work through the summer.


mikki nuckols 2013More about the work of the panel can be read here.  Also being discussed is a tiered system that could drastically change teacher pay by creating a career ladder system that would be tied to licensure.


NWPE shared the diverse views of AAE members and nonunion education policy leaders in this communication with the Idaho Interim Committee. Two teacher pay plans cited in the communication for consideration include the Hillsborough plan and the Harrison plan.


Interestingly, some in the NEA are showing a shift in the traditional focus on the steps and lanes teacher pay system.  NEA President Dennis Van Roekel stated in September at an Education Writers Association event, "Let's get rid of step-and-lane. I don't like it."  See why here.

Mikk also serves as the NWPE representative on the Professional Standards Commission, chairing the Authorizations and Professional Development subcommittees.  We appreciate all Mikki's service to advancing the professionalism of educators! 

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