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Washington State Loses NCLB Federal Waiver
posted by: Ruthie | April 28, 2014, 08:59 PM   

Last week, the Department of Education announced Washington as the first state to lose its federal waiver for regulatory relief from the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law.
As a result the state’s public school districts will lose control of how they spend a portion of their federal funding (roughly $40 million statewide), and many could be declared failing and possibly subject to state takeover or replacement of most of the staff.

According to an email from Education Secretary Arne Duncan, the state lost funding because they did not meet the requirement to include statewide student test results in teacher evaluations. "Washington has not been able to keep all of its commitments,"
Duncan wrote.

Governor Jay Inslee and Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn both called the announcement disappointing but not unexpected. For the past two years, Washington state has been operating under a conditional waiver, as lawmakers debated changes in state law. However, they could not come to an agreement on teacher evaluations that satisfied the federal government.

Under NCLB, nearly every student in the Washington public schools was expected to be proficient in math and reading by the end of the 2013-2014 school year. However, many schools will not meet that goal.  Districts have also failed to set aside federal funds to school that aren’t making adequate yearly progress.

Superintendent Dorn said Washington has made a lot of progress, despite not meeting the goals of No Child Left Behind. He blames loss of federal waiver on NCLB laws and inaction by Congress.

"There is widespread acknowledgement that NCLB isn't working. Congress has failed to change the law at the federal level, so states are forced to come up with workarounds," Dorn said.

Will you feel the impacts of federal waivers in your state this year?
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