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Bryce Mercer Wins NWPE Grant
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 13, 2014, 11:16 PM   

Congratulations to NWPE member Bryce Mercer, a Middle and High School Physical Science and Chemistry teacher at Sage International School, in Boise, ID.  Bryce was recently awarded a $500 Classroom Grant from Northwest Professional Educators (NWPE) by Ms. Brenda Miller, NWPE Regional Membership Director.  She presented the grant at an NWPE sponsored staff luncheon. The award will fund the purchase of six Vernier gas pressure sensors in order to increase students’ access to scientific inquiry opportunities.

bryce mercer
A recent member of Northwest Professional Educators, Bryce explains why he joined NWPE:  “There is power in numbers and it’s nice to belong to a professional organization that is not affiliated with any district and whose sole purpose is to see you to succeed.” 

Bryce believes that a key to advancing professionalism is to increase communication among teachers.  “One of the best ways of increasing teaching professionalism is to increase communication amongst teachers. No single teacher has all the answers to everyday issues that befall a classroom.  Discussion is critical to solving these problems. For these conversations to happen two things need to be in place, time and a shared curriculum.”

A science teacher with teaching experience in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon, Bryce also holds the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification.  In Kirkland, WA, he p
roduced a two weeklong environmental education day camps for ages eight to eleven which incorporated local city, county, and private organizations into the curriculum.  He has also coached track, soccer, and swimming.  

Bryce's award is certainly well-deserved as he seeks ways to increase student achievement and advance the science curriculum at Sage International School. Northwest Professional Educators is proud to reward him for his hard work and creativity in the classroom!

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