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Get a Free Kit of Giveaways to Celebrate National School Choice Week!
posted by: Cindy Omlin | December 10, 2014, 11:10 PM   

We have exciting news! As part of the association's continued efforts to support educators in all settings, NWPE is once again celebrating National School Choice Week this January 25-31st, 2015.

This nationwide effort brings together a diverse coalition of organizations and individuals who want to shine a spotlight on educational options for both students and teachers. NWPE is signing on because we recognize that school choice drives a diversity of options for educators who appreciate having a variety of educational settings that meet their career goals.

We know that every type of school setting offers a unique choice in education. NWPE applauds that there are more career options than ever for teachers, allowing NWPE members to match their vision of education with schools that share that same vision. Teachers benefit from choice, too!

As part of our partnership with this grassroots movement, NWPE members are invited to join us in celebrating this empowering week by requesting a giveaway kit absolutely FREE! Share these eye-catching yellow fleece scarves, posters, photo placards, and more with friends and students!

school choice week meeting kitUse these supplies to reward your star students, to hold an event in your home or classroom, to pose for photos with your students, or to celebrate your school's success - all while recognizing the importance of opportunity in education!

This offer is being made available exclusively to NWPE members only and for a limited time. Again, the materials and all shipping are being offered at absolutely no cost to you.

Click here to order materials for a classroom event.

Click here to order materials for a home-based event.

Featuring thousands of events every January, National School Choice Week is America's largest-annual celebration of opportunity in education for students and teachers. The movement is organized as an independent, nonpartisan, and nonpolitical public awareness effort. NWPE is proud to participate in this effort.

We hope you will join us in shining a positive spotlight on effective education options!  Teachers deserve a voice in the school choice conversation!scw proser omlin table split 2014 cropped

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