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NWPE Members Lead Future City Teams to Awards
posted by: Cindy Omlin | February 02, 2016, 05:40 pm   

NWPE member and Salmon River Middle School science teacher Sarah Walters took her students to the dump and the Riggins sewage treatment facility in order to prompt their interest in science and engineering. That led to a collaborative effort and entry into the Future City Competition.  Ms. Walters noted that it was a full staff effort.  “I headed up the project but owe the success of the project to the whole staff at Salmon River Middle School.  We decided this year to make Future City a collaborative project.  The Math teacher taught about scale, the history teachers taught about the city basics and what makes a city successful, the English teachers helped write the essays, the shop teacher helped build the models, and in science, we designed our engineering plans, researched waste management methods, took field trips to study how our city's waste is managed and put together our presentation.  It took not just a team of students but the staff also worked as a team.”

Shawna Exline Featured in NSCW Spotlight Video!
posted by: Cindy Omlin | January 28, 2016, 04:38 pm   

Woo hoo!!!  NWPE member Shawna Exline, West Ada 2016 Teacher of the Year, is featured in the National School Choice Spotlight video for 1-28-16.  (Please note that you have to scroll down to the video and wait for the brief audio of rapper Ludicrous to finish before the video will start.)  NWPE Regional Director Brenda Miller is furthering the celebration by hosting a lunch at Shawna's school of choice, the Idaho Fine Arts Academy, on the 29th. See below for pictures of the fun!

ID Governor Proclaims "Idaho School and Teacher Choice Week"
posted by: Cindy Omlin | January 27, 2016, 03:10 pm   

Idaho Governor C. L. "Butch" Otter proclaims January 25-31, 2016, "Idaho School and Teacher Choice Week."  See the signed proclation here and read below for the full text as well. 

NWPE's Shawna Exline Celebrates School Choice with Personal Speech to Idaho's SCW Rally
posted by: Cindy Omlin | January 26, 2016, 12:07 am   

NWPE member and West Ada 2016 Teacher of the Year Shawna Exline addresses the Idaho School Choice Rally today!  This exceptional educator not only appreciates school choices that best meet students' needs, including her own children, she appreciates how school choice has advanced her career and how proud she is to have a professional choice as a member of Northwest Professional Educators.  Read on for her speech on the capitol steps in Boise, ID, and as well as her guest column in the Idaho Statesman. 

Lori Porter tired of paying to be bullied
posted by: Cindy Omlin | January 24, 2016, 05:28 pm   

So, what’s a teacher to do?

You love guiding, inspiring, teaching children.

You enjoy the ever-changing landscape each day brings.

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