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Tag: Federal Education Policy Total: 15 results found.
DeVos Named Secretary of Education
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 28, 2016, 07:44 PM

Last week, President Elect Donald Trump had a big announcement to deliver about his education agenda. Four days after meeting with the President Elect, Betsy DeVos, 58, has been named the intended appointee to serve as the next U.S. Secretary of Education. Who is Betsy DeVos you might ask? A high-profile advocate for school choice, Ms. DeVos is chair of the American Federation for Children, a Washington, D.C.-based organization devoted to expanding school of choice options across the country. She also sits on the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education.

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We're getting down to the wire and early voting is already in full swing across the nation. There is so much at stake in this presidential race from education reform initiatives to school funding, yet thousands of Americans are still undecided heading into the 2016 elections. It's absolutely imperative that educators make well informed decisions at the voting booth this November.

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The reauthorization of No Child Left Behind is making big waves among policymakers, journalists, and educators who are eager to see improvements to a policy that for years has left many educators in a teaching gridlock.

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Arm yourself with the FACTS!
posted by: Cindy Omlin | January 28, 2015, 05:32 PM

As School Choice Week 2015 gets underway, AAE just wanted to remind you about the top 8 most important facts you need to have in your school choice week arsenal. We have a huge opportunity to make sure our voices are heard, so let's make it count by arming ourselves with these critical facts:

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No Child Left Behind Overhaul: AAE Responds
posted by: Cindy Omlin | January 15, 2015, 07:47 PM

With renewed focus on overhauling the No Child Left Behind law gaining traction among Hill insiders, many educators are left wondering whether or not their best interests will be represented in reauthorization efforts. As the nation’s leading voice for professional educators, AAE is taking action and is sending Congress a clear message on behalf of teachers. Here’s what Executive Director Gary Beckner had to say:

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Wisconsin Bill Aims to Increase Physical Activity
posted by: Ruthie | December 10, 2013, 06:03 PM

Between numerous changes to school lunch programs and First Lady Michelle Obama’s various healthy student initiatives, lawmakers and local schools are continuing to work toward programs that encourage healthy eating and exercise. In Wisconsin, Representative Chad Weininger of Green Bay is proposing a bill requiring elementary students to have at least thirty minutes of physical activity daily.

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Department of Education Remains Almost Empty
posted by: Ruthie | October 14, 2013, 03:59 PM

As the government begins its third week of partial shutdown, the Department of Education (DOE) faces yet another week of limited staffing and minimal productivity. Many Department of Education employees’ phones go straight to voicemail, the website merely announces the furlough, and progress remains stalled.

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Earlier this week, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by Congressman John Kline (R-MN), held a hearing investigating the value of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The organization is the research arm of the Department of Education and conducts research on educational practices in the nation’s schools.

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Today, members of the House of Representatives Education and the Workforce Committee passed the Student Success Act through committee. This legislation, introduced by Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Representative Rokita (R-IN) will rewrite K-12 education law, also known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and is designed to provide state and local leaders the flexibility necessary to innovate in the classroom and raise student achievement.    Continue Reading...

While lawmakers continue to propose legislation for the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), none of the measures have managed to gain bipartisan support. Experts agree that despite these new proposals, NCLB will most likely not be reauthorized this year. In typical fashion, Republicans and Democrats cannot agree on the federal government's role in school accountability.

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Everyone is familiar with camera surveillance at banks, high-end stores, and office buildings. In a post-Newtown world, however, surveillance cameras are becoming increasingly familiar in neighborhood schools. In fact, after the tragedy in December, over 62 of the 400 bills relating to school safety nationwide, pertained to surveillance cameras.   Continue Reading...

Federal Update March 27, 2013
posted by: Cindy Omlin | March 27, 2013, 09:29 PM
Congress Takes Action on Special Education FundingIn light of the recession, several states have attempted to cut their spending on special education programs. However, Congress has curtailed this practice by cutting federal funding for states that spend less than they spent last year on special education initiatives.   Continue Reading...
Evaluating President Obama’s Pre-K Plan
posted by: Cindy Omlin | March 18, 2013, 11:29 PM

Yesterday, AAE staff had the pleasure of attending a forum on President Obama's universal pre-school plan. The discussion was lead by Sara Mead, associate partner at Education Partners and former director of the Early Education Initiative at the New American Foundation, and Grover J "Russ" Whitehurst, director of the Brown Center on Education Policy and the Brookings Institution and former director of the Institute for Education Sciences. 

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Federal Update: March 13, 2013
posted by: Cindy Omlin | March 13, 2013, 09:28 PM

With sequestration, or automatic federal budget cuts, beginning to take effect, legislators and education advocates are struggling to come to terms with new financial realities.

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We didn't hear much about improving education throughout the presidential race, which made last week's lavish attention on education reform especially fascinating. The President argued, "To grow our middle class, our citizens must have access to the education and training that today's jobs require." We couldn't agree more. 

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