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Physical Fitness and Academic Success
posted by: Ruthie | September 23, 2013, 09:01 am   

As a result of sequestration and other budget constriants, many schools are cutting various physical education programs. Unfortunately, these cuts have also coincided with a push for physical fitness in schools across the country. According to several new studies, physical exercise and fitness are inextricably linked to students’ ability to learn and retain new information.

Virtual Schools and Academic Honesty
posted by: Ruthie | September 17, 2013, 10:54 am   

As virtual education continues to expand, teachers, administrators, and principals are constantly seeking ways to improve rapidly changing programs. While virtual schools provide students the opportunity to learn at an individualized pace, to attend school at a flexible location, and to fill in gaps in learning, educators are still working to decipher the best way to ensure academic integrity and to combat cheating.

Wisconsin's Third Largest District Votes to Decertify from the Union
posted by: Ruthie | September 16, 2013, 01:46 pm   

Teachers in Kenosha, Wisconsin are now able to choose an association that best meets their needs. Following sweeping changes that ended forced unionism in Wisconsin in 2011, the Kenosha Teachers Union was required to file for annual recertification by August 30th in order to bargain for local teachers. According to reports, the union did not meet this deadline, as the majority of members voted in favor of decertification.
CCSS Strategies: New Developments on Combining Reading and Social Studies
posted by: Cindy Omlin | September 14, 2013, 09:13 am   

Calling all social studies teachers out there – I know you’re struggling to incorporate the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) into your curriculum.  Don’t you wish that there was a program out there that did just that and promoted student collaboration all while increasing both content area and reading skills and had scientific data to back its methods up?

Gamification: What it Is & What it Is Not
posted by: Ruthie | September 13, 2013, 03:47 pm   

With the recent blog entry about using badges in the classroom, this seems a good time to write about how to leverage gamification in your classroom.  The two concepts often go hand in hand, with badges being an excellent way to add a level of gamification.

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