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Congressional Hearing Investigates the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Institute of Education Sciences
posted by: Ruthie | September 12, 2013, 08:01 am   

Earlier this week, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by Congressman John Kline (R-MN), held a hearing investigating the value of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The organization is the research arm of the Department of Education and conducts research on educational practices in the nation’s schools.

Professional Development and Online Courses
posted by: Ruthie | September 11, 2013, 12:57 pm   

With the announcement of Google and EdX joining forces to provide online courses, opportunities to take courses online, either for free or pay, continues to expand. For teachers, this provides an easy way to keep on top of their craft through professional development. While not every site offering online courses have courses that teachers can use for professional development, many do.
Changes to National Boards Make Certification More Flexible for Teachers
posted by: Ruthie | September 10, 2013, 11:36 am   

With tight budgets and changing requirements, teachers are always excited to hear about ways to save money on professional development and certifications. Recently, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) announced a $600 decrease in the price of certification. The change is designed to save teachers money and make certification easier to obtain.

California Extends Teacher-Prep Programs
posted by: Ruthie | September 09, 2013, 12:27 pm   

Since the National Council on Teacher Quality’s (NCTQ) recent report on teacher-preparation, the subject of new teacher requirements has been a hot topic. Recently, California signed a bill granting more flexibility to teacher preparation programs.

Social and Emotional Learning: Integral Components of a Quality Education
posted by: Ruthie | September 05, 2013, 02:10 pm   

Recently, a Phi Delta Kappa survey revealed 59% of Americans would expand mental health services in schools, whereas only 33% would opt for hiring more security guards.  In light of recent high-profile school shootings and fiscal realities facing districts, the ability to foster social and emotional learning is more critical than ever.
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