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Alert: Washington State Agency Fee Payer Objection Letter Deadline
posted by: Cindy Omlin | December 09, 2014, 06:34 pm   

If you are an objecting agency fee payer who requests a rebate for union dues not used for representation purposes, this is a reminder to mail your letter by certified mail so that you have proof that the union received your objection/challenge letter requesting your $200-$300 rebate.

NWPE Looks Back as We Celebrate AAE’s 20th Anniversary of Providing Teacher Choice
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 24, 2014, 06:13 pm   

This month educators and others who support teacher choice are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Association of American Educators (AAE).  For two decades, AAE has valiantly provided educators a refuge for career protection and professional support as teachers have discovered that teacher union politics, tactics and priorities are not in line with what they believe to be in their students’ or their profession’s best interests.  Northwest Professional Educators takes this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Gary and Piete Beckner and their band of nationally recognized teachers who launched the organization with vision, courage, and tenacity 20 years ago.

Designing Projects with Learning in Mind
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 21, 2014, 04:56 pm   

Projects have a great ability to engage and invigorate students.  They offer an authentic learning experience as a means to evaluate student knowledge that is deeper and more nuanced than any multiple choice test.  Teachers dream of projects that inspire, yet so often we design projects that are shallow and require little, if any, critical thinking skills.

Lorelle Williams Awarded Scholarship to Learn "Effective Strategies for an Engaged Classroom"
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 17, 2014, 06:58 pm   

Congratulations to Ms. Lorelle Williams, a 7th Grade English teacher at Madison Jr. High in Rexburg, Idaho, who has been awarded a $400 professional development scholarship from Northwest Professional Educators (NWPE), the state’s only non-union professional teacher association. Ms. Brenda Miller, NWPE Regional Membership Director, presented the award at a staff department meeting. Ms. Williams will utilize the award to take the course “Teach Like a Champ: Effective Strategies for an Engaged Classroom” offered through Learner’s Edge.

Teaching Fractions as Part of the Common Core
posted by: Cindy Omlin | November 17, 2014, 06:18 pm   

As we all know, the Common Core State Standards reflect a major shift in how we ask students to think about and work with numbers. As reported by Education Week, strategies for how we teacher fractions are changing considerably. While students still need to understand that fractions are a part of a whole, the standards call for us to also teach students that fractions have their own distinct place on the number line and have values as numbers.
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